There is so much information available to us on the web, but you have to ask yourself: where is the information I can trust?

This is not an exhaustive list, but these are resources I use.

I plan to add more resources overtime – including books, so this is my start of Project: Information Share.

Ohio Focused – What’s happening in the Garden and Landscape

BYGL – Buckeye Yard and Garden OnLine

OhioLine Fact Sheets


Plant Information – so many; these are my first go-tos

MOBOT PlantFinder


Pollinators, Beneficial Insects, and Wildlife

Ohio State University Bee Lab –  many resources

Plant By Number

Regenerative Agriculture (Horticulture)

Kiss the Ground – Guide to regenerative agriculture

NRDC – Natural Resources Defense Council



Seed Savers Exchange – a lot of information under Education menu

Some favorite seed companies: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Botanical Interests, FedCo Seeds, Johhny Selected Seeds, Pinetree Garden Seeds, Prairie Moon Nursery, Renee’s Seeds, Seed Savers Exchange, Territorial Seeds



Sustainable Gardening Library

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals